The only reliable guide to the level of radon in a building is a measurement over a period long enough to average out short-term variations in radon levels – this should ideally be three months. The procedure recommended by the HPA is to use passive monitors as they are reliable, simple to use and can be sent by post. The individual result for each home is confidential and will not be given to anyone else without the prior consent of the householder at the time of the measurement. This service is available to any householder in the UK. This includes the supply of two radon detectors, their subsequent analysis and the reporting of the result. All packaging and return postage are also included.
A radon detector with improved performance has been introduced by the HPA, replacing the previous yellow detector. The replacement monitor is black because the outer shell is made of carbon-loaded plastic which reduces uncertainties caused by the build-up of electrostatic charge. The detector increases the efficiency and reliability of the measurement service.
Radon screening
There may sometimes be a need for rapid information about radon, for example to test the effect of mitigation work or when planning structural changes to a building. In such cases, screening tests can be helpful provided they are conducted in addition to the standard three-month test. This service provides an early indication of the likely result after only a couple of weeks. As with all short-term measurements, the result will be inconclusive in some cases. In such cases, the second set of detectors, returned after three months, will provide further information and a numerical value. The result is expressed in units that are directly comparable with the Action Level.
Order a Home Measurement Pack
You can use the form to the right to order the three-month radon measurement as recommended by HPA for a domestic property, for delivery by post.
The best guide to the level of radon in a building is a measurement. This takes three months – and an additional month or so to process and report the results. It is a simple procedure with monitors issued and returned by normal post, so no visit is required.
The individual result for each home is confidential and will not be given to anyone else without the prior consent of the householder.
The price includes the supply of two radon detectors (with full instructions for their use), subsequent analysis and reporting of the result. All packaging and the return postage costs are also included.
This service is only available for homes in the UK.
- Detectors record continuously and must be placed within a few days of receipt.
- The building should be in normal use during the measurement.
- Testing is not recommended;
- during building work
- when the house is empty for more than a fortnight
- during a change of occupier
- Detectors must only be used for the address from which they are ordered.
- The instructions provided with the detectors need to be followed correctly to get accurate results.
- Measurement results will be held in a database and used for statistical purposes, but individual results will not be disclosed without express permission.
- Detectors shall remain the property of HPA Radiation Protection Division.
- HPA Radiation Protection Division shall not be liable for any errors in the interpretation of the results.